our statements
The Great Commission remains our mandate from Christ. Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-19; Luke. 24-45-49; John 20:21-23; Acts 1:8.
The Full Gospel Church will :
- Live our values & identityProduce measurable healthy, growing & accountable churches who will function in love and integrity, ministering to the whole body, never neglecting the Great Commission
- Empower our leadership and membership
- Plant 100 new churches
- Increase our membership by at least 15%
- Focus on children and youth ministry
- Focus on Rural ministry
- Have external co-operative relationships
- Measurably impact society for change (prophetically meeting body, mind and spirit needs)
- Be integrated and dynamic
Vision Statement
The Full Gospel Church of God is to be..
A movement committed to the authority of the Holy Scripture for faith and direction. A fellowship whose worship brings God's power into life of the church and extends that power through the lives of believers into the marketplace of life. A body that is directed by the Spirit fully understanding that baptism in the Holy Spirit is both a personal blessing and a endowment of power for witness and service in fulfilling the Great Commission. A people who hunger for God, experience the presence of God, and stand in awe of His holiness as He transforms believers into conformity with Christ, in character and purpose. A New Testament church which focuses on the local congregation where the pastor nurtures and leads all members to exercise spiritual gifts in ministry. A church that loves all people and stands opposed to any action or policy that discriminates against any group or individual because of race, colour, or nationality. A movement that evidences love and concern for the hurts and loneliness of the unsaved through aggressive evangelistic, discipling and nurturing ministries. A church that is Christ-centered, people-orientated and needs sensitive in all its programmes and ministries. A movement that promotes policies and ministries which reflect an open, sincere effort to remain relevant to each generation. A prophetic people who herald our Lord's return and a coming Kingdom.
As the Full Gospel Church, we;
- Are a people of integrity (transparent in all governance and lifestyle at all levels)
- Are empowering leadership and members to operate within their gifting and to be disciples according to Biblical standards.
- Are united in mind, spirit and purpose without being uniform
- Are a prophetic church – speaking into the realm of government and the nation, being relevant – finding needs and meeting them through love
- Are contemporary in our ministry and worship while remaining faithful to our Pentecostal Heritage.
As the Full Gospel Church, we;
The mission of the FGC is to perpetuate the full gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20), in the Spirit and power of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4, 6, 13-18), through specific attention to and emphasis upon the centrality of God's Word, world evangelisation, ministerial development, Christian discipling, lay ministry, Biblical stewardship, church growth, church planting, family enrichment, and servant leadership.