pastor's manuals
Altar Worker
work is probably the most important work in the Church today.
It is
important to realise that serious damage can be done if souls are not
handled properly.
Care and Support
To support a terminally ill person is more a question of being there for
the person than offering words of advice. The person needs you
Children's Ministry
This course is not intended to be all-inclusive for the Children’s
Church teacher; it is to be a starting-point which should be subjective
to constructive criticism
Church Admin
Incoming Mail, Outgoing Mail
Courier Services
Electronical Communication
Email Etiquette
Church Planting
The future of the Church in South Africa is in the hands of the
denominations and churches who have faith and vision and mobilize people
to develop new evangelical churches.
Ministry Deacon
In the official salutation of Paul the apostle to the Philippians (1:1)
it is clear that deacons were officers of the church and were fully
recognised by the apostles
Ministry Elder
It is evident from New Testament Scriptures that the office of elder was not one of the set ministries of the Church, nor included in the ministry gifts as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:28 or Ephesians 4:11
download manualHospital Worker
When a person is ill, he is more receptive for discussions of a
spiritual nature. Normally people are too busy or too rushed to create
time to speak about the things of the Lord, but when they are indisposed..
Cell Church
The Church, as described in the book of Acts, was vibrant; every believer was a minister, agapé love flowed freely and the gifts and daily the power of the Holy Spirit was evident on the streets and in people’s houses
download manualYouth Ministry
Basic Principles for youth ministry. Not a stepping-stone to a bigger / better ministry, It’s more than just having a heart for the youth. Tools & research are needed to effectively impact the youth of your community.
download manual Doctrines
The members of The Full Gospel Church of God shall accept the whole
Bible as the Divinely inspired Word of God : 11 Timothy 3:16,
particularly the New Testament
My change from a traditional church to a Pentecostal church did not happen painlessly. A
lot of the thoughts mentioned here are from my own personal experience
of the Word of God
There are three important things you should know and do - it is contained in the Book of Acts: "Repent and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38)
download manualFinancial Info
Besides the spiritual qualities that are indispensable, finances are the
heartbeat of a successful ministry. When a pastor and/or congregation
experience a lack of money, stress can slow down the momentum.
Financial Policy
Besides the spiritual qualities that are indispensable, finances are the heartbeat of a successful ministry. When a pastor and/or congregation experience a lack of money, stress can slow down the momentum like a brake.
download manualGrowing in Grace
The Word of God says very clearly that Jesus is the Bread of life and
Evangelism is simply, one hungry beggar showing another hungry beggar
where to find bread.Jesus is the Bread of life, that was brought home
to me so very clearly on our
Growing in Grace
Properly disciple students are potential teachers of this course; encourage them to take note of illustrations etc. It is important that the class takes note that the teacher also completes the “Revision” and writes out the scriptures
Ice Breakers
It's a simple question which helps people to feel comfortable in a group. It helps individuals to focus on others.
are essential to the growth of cell churches. People do not easily open
up in a group in terms of their needs and pain.
Intro Cell Church
The Church, as described in the book of Acts, was vibrant; every believer was a minister, agapé love flowed freely and the gifts and daily the power of the Holy Spirit was evident on the streets and in people’s houses
download manualJob Descriptions and Organigram
This information brochure has been compiled with the exclusive purpose
of making members aware of the variety of activities in the
congregation. It is important for them to be familiar
Leadership Development
Right now your leadership skills are at a certain level. For the sake of
teaching this principle we will measure leadership on a scale of 1 –
If your leadership skills are, for argument’s sake
Membership Manual
Please do not think that
membership is just “another ritual” in the church. We have no intention
of you joining the F.G.C. and then fading into inactive anonymity. Our
desire is for each member to be active.
Christian Class
Knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord is the most exciting relationship you can have.
It is the beginning of a life of adventure with an all-loving, all-powerful God.
The powers of the committee shall be delegated to the committee by the
Church Council, after which the committee may act within those
The committee shall have no decision-making authority
Seven Vital Signs
The pastor who is a possibility thinker and whose dynamic leadership has
been used to catalyse the entire church into action for growth.
Stewards & Ushers
1 Cor. 14:40 “But let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner”
The task of stewards and ushers should be seen as a ministry.
Cell Group Leader
Nowadays there is much talk about cell groups, small groups, house
churches, Bible study groups, koinonia groups, care groups etc. These,
however, are all different names for a common concept.
Functioning of the Body of Christ
This manual is designed to be used by a Pastor, his staff and/or a team
of workers for reorganising the workers in a congregation
Spiritiual Preparedness
Jeremiah 10:20-21 declares:
“My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my
cords are broken: my children are gone forth of me, and they are not:
there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my
Pastor and his Vision
This is very easy to explain – vision from the heart of man is one of
the natural characteristics of any pastor – it is what he wants to do
for God, what he wants to achieve.
In the event of crises arising before the new Pastor takes up his office
the Vice-chairman will bring such to the attention of the Church
Council and also, if necessary, to the attention of the Regional Overseer.
Walking in Freedom
It gives me great pleasure to say something about a book that is so
necessary in our time. There is a tremendous need for knowledge and
understanding in this area.
Man Of God
Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name,
among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ;
Need To Advertise
Collect all the facts; this is important. Collecting facts is a task
that never comes to an end. File the facts under different themes. Visit
the library and do research. Get facts about the layout of printing and
Youth Training
Rachel Blom has been involved in youth ministry in different roles since
1999, both as a volunteer and on staff. She simply loves teens and
students and can’t imagine her life without them.