Vacant Assembly
Contact person
Rev. Dr. RB Mabasa
Regional secretary
Cell: 0833424863
NB: All applications are to be send via email to the regional office using the details provided above.
Warm Christian greeting in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.
The following vacant posts are available in the Eastern Region-Limpopo:
- Baleni Assembly
- Dan Assembly
- Dzumeri Assembly
- Jamela Assembly
- Lemomdekoop Assembly
- Makwarela Assembly
- Mokgwathi Assembly
- Mutoti Assembly
- Mutsha Assembly
Contact person
Rev. Dr. RB Mabasa
Regional secretary
Cell: 0833424863
NB: All applications are to be send via email to the regional office using the details provided above.
Loeriesfontein Assembly
Loeriesfontein Gemeente – Namakwari streek
Closing date for applications is ​2024/06/30
Dit is ’n Afrikaanse gemeente. Geleë in die Namakwaland Herder moet ’n geordende Pastoor wees. Ouderdom tussen 30-55 jaar wees. Die kerk is skuldvry. Gemeente het ’n pastorie. Die gemeente het mooi potensiaal om te groei.
Alle CV’s kan gestuur word na die streek opsiener Past. T. Saunders by
Port Nolloth ASSEMBLY
Port Nolloth Gemeente – Namakwari streek
Closing date for applications is ​2024/06/15
Dit is ’n Afrikaanse gemeente. Die kerk is skuldvry. Gemeente het ’n pastorie Gemeente bedien ook ’n kampus
- Kandidaat moet getroud wees.
- Kandidaat moet ’n huwelik bevestiger wees.
- Ouderdom tussen 30-55 jaar wees.
- Jonk van gees met ’n hart vir kinders, samewerking met jeugleier en kinderkerk leier.
- Passievolle Herder.
- Goeie administrasie vermoë.
- In besit wees van bestuurslisensie.
- Goeie leierskap vaardighede wat leiers kweek en oplei
Alle CV’s kan gestuur word na die streek opsiener Past. T. Saunders by
Grahamstown ASSEMBLY
Vacant Assembly VEK Salem
Closing date for applications is ​2024/06/30
The assembly has 168 baptised members, 12 Sunday School children and 42 Youth.
The applicant must be Afrikaans speaking.
It is an Afrikaans Assembly.
All CV’s to be sent to the overseer, Pastor Cyril Craill.
House of prayer assembly Transkei
Closing date for applications is ​2024/04/30
The assembly needs an ordained minister whether part-time or full-time. The assembly is English speaking so the pastor must be able to speak English. An experienced pastor who has a heart for the work of God with a good track record from any race group. A married pastor, whose wife also has a passion to grow other ministries within the church. The church has provision of accommodation. Benefits for the position are negotiable. Please send your CV’s to the Regional Overseer, Pastor WN Swana