our priorities
World Evangelism
To reach the whole world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ministerial Development
To develop ministries for maximum efficiency in declaring the gospel and strengthening churches.
The Centrality of God's Word
To appropriate God's Word as the criteria for all church ministries and personal living.
To nurture believers in spiritual growth and personal development.
Biblical Stewardship
To establish believers as stewards of God's provisions in keeping with
Biblical principles, of tithes and offerings to promote God's work.
Lay Ministry
To motivate lay witness and ministry participation.
Church Growth
To implement the expansion and outreach of local congregations in ministry to contemporary needs.
Church Planting
To plant and grow new churches in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Family Enrichment
To challenge families to live by the authority of God's Word and the implementation of its values for every day living.
Servant Leadership
To promote and build leadership efficiency at every level of church organisation.